Source code for peakingduck.plotting.plotadaptor

# we should wrap matplotlib so it is easy to change later
# if need be
    import matplotlib.pyplot
    PLT = matplotlib.pyplot
    PLT = None
    raise ImportError("Matplotlib cannot be found. It is required for plotting.")

[docs]class PlotAdapter(object): """ Wraps the Matplotlib plotter """ _engine_name = 'matplotlib' _engine = matplotlib.pyplot def __repr__(self): return "<%s: %s>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.enginename) @property def enginename(self): """ The name of the plotting engine """ return self._engine_name @property def engine(self): """ The plotter engine """ return self._engine
[docs] def show(self):
[docs] def grid(self, show=True): self.engine.grid(show)
[docs] def addlegend(self, location): self.engine.legend(loc=location)
[docs] def newcanvas(self, *args, **kwargs): self._figure = self.engine.figure(*args, **kwargs) return self._figure
[docs]class LinePlotAdapter(PlotAdapter):
[docs] def lineplot(self, x, y, datalabel="", xlabel="", ylabel="", logx=False, logy=False, overlay=True): if not overlay: self.newcanvas() self.engine.xlabel(xlabel) self.engine.ylabel(ylabel) if logx: self.engine.xscale('log') if logy: self.engine.yscale('log') self.engine.plot(x, y, label=datalabel)